Five Ways to Inspire Performance
How’s your team performing? Do you see the results? We all know that employee motivation and performance are critical factors for success. Leaders, managers, and supervisors understand that positive motivation leads to better performance and higher levels of productivity—but they may be relying on the wrong tools to inspire their teams. Performance management is a familiar term in business, but this archaic process of evaluation is impersonal, costly, and not motivating at all. So how can you inspire your team? Some of the most motivating rewards take little to no money at all.
Your employees are part of something bigger than their single position, right? Do they know that? Better yet, do they believe it? All employees want to know that what they do is essential, and through their contributions, the company can succeed. Your employees need to understand and share the organization’s vision. Think about what your company’s real purpose is. How can you share that value with your employees to give them a reason to believe they are each part of that success?
When people know what they’re doing well, they’ll keep doing it—or, even better, do more of it. Providing someone with recognition for their hard work, and positive feedback for their successes goes a long way with boosting morale and empowering your team to take the next step. Each of us has strengths, so it’s crucial to recognize each employee as individuals, with skills unique to them that make them an asset to the organization.
Showing appreciation for hard work is excellent; however, that appreciation won’t resonate with your employees if they don’t feel respected. It’s vital to be mindful that each of your staff members has a life outside of work, and their time and activities are valid. Respecting each employee for who they are in addition to how hard they work is a fantastic way to inspire them to perform for you and the company.
No one likes a boss who is always looking over their shoulder and second-guessing their every move. Micromanaging your employees gives the impression that you don’t trust their work. It’s easy to become discouraged and lose motivation when you don’t feel like you’re doing your job correctly. In team settings, this feeling can spread like wildfire, decreasing morale, and creating a toxic culture.
We all make mistakes. It’s part of being human. The key is making these mistakes or employee weaknesses and turn them into valuable coaching lessons. It’s crucial if you have to point out the weaknesses of an employee, you also offer a solution and explanation behind your reasoning. Accountability is important for your team to feel invested in the organization, but only focusing on the missteps can cause you to lose valuable employees. Offering an opportunity to learn is more effective than criticism.
If your team needs a little inspiration and motivation, these five tips can help lay the groundwork for building successful employees. People are the most valuable resource of each organization, and a people-oriented leadership style is a significant key to inspiring performance and commitment from each employee.
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