by Executive Team | Jul 1, 2019 | How To, Leadership, Management
A recent Gallup report revealed some interesting findings on millennials and their habits. For example, millennials were found to be the least engaged generation, with only 29% saying they are “emotionally and behaviorally connected to their job and company.” So how can you be successful working with millennials?

by Admin | Jun 24, 2019 | How To, Leadership, Leadership Library, Management
The ability to anticipate major shifts in your marketplace while identifying emerging opportunities sets leaders and businesses up for success. Every industry is affected by change, and strategic thinking is an approach to preparing for these developments and having plans to adapt to them. Great leaders are consistently improving how they evaluate challenges and react to change.

by Admin | May 28, 2019 | Best Practices, How To, Leadership Library
Let’s face it. No matter what industry a person works in, it’s nearly impossible to maintain a positive attitude 100% of the time. The early mornings, long hours, or unpleasant coworkers can be enough to drive someone mad. But the harsh reality is, most of us...
by Admin | May 13, 2019 | How To, Leadership, Leadership Library, Management
When someone talks about the qualities of a great leader, most of us picture the same type of person – authentic, considerate, creative, smart, etc., but did you know one of the greatest leaders of all time was anything but a “traditional leader?” According to Fast...
by Admin | Jan 15, 2019 | Healthcare Industry, How To, Leadership, Management
The beauty of a brand new year is that we have an opportunity for a fresh start. Take a minute to evaluate the previous year and think about what can and should be optimized in the coming one. What goals are you looking forward to achieving in 2019? Are you looking to...
by Admin | Nov 20, 2018 | How To, Leadership, Management
Does this situation sound familiar? Your new hire was initially considered because of their credentials and experience. They flew through the interview process with ease. All of the references you called had rave reviews about their work ethic, timeliness, and...