Five Steps to More Effective Listening
Most people believe they have good listening skills, but more often than not, this is not the case. The good news is effective listening is something that can be learned, practiced, and mastered.
Employee Recognition: The Importance of Reward Programs
Many senior hospital executives consider motivational initiatives a critical portion of the organization’s success. Learn four ways to improve or create a strong recognition and reward program that aligns with your mission and values to meet strategic goals and satisfy your team.
Should You Use Off-The-Wall Interview Questions?
As companies strive for innovation and uniqueness, off-the-wall interview questions have gained popularity. These types of questions can include brain teasers and puzzles and are often used to assess a candidate’s thought processes, but are they useful in a healthcare scenario?
The Unexpected Loss of a Leader
Each of a hospital’s departments is critical and must function uninterrupted, yet an unplanned vacancy in management can negatively impact processes, productivity, and profitability.